Thursday, January 18, 2024

The Interpreter design pattern using Java

The Interpreter design pattern is used to provide a way to evaluate language grammar for particular languages. Here's a simple example using the pattern to interpret basic arithmetic expressions: code - This is the abstract expression class that declares an interpret method.
public interface Expression {
    int interpret();
} - This is a terminal expression that implements the Expression interface for numbers.
public class NumberExpression implements Expression {

    private int number;

    public NumberExpression(int number) {
        this.number = number;

    public int interpret() {
        return this.number;
} - This is a non-terminal expression that implements the Expression interface for the addition operation.
public class AddExpression implements Expression {

    private Expression firstExpression;
    private Expression secondExpression;

    public AddExpression(Expression firstExpression, Expression secondExpression) {
        this.firstExpression = firstExpression;
        this.secondExpression = secondExpression;

    public int interpret() {
        return this.firstExpression.interpret() + this.secondExpression.interpret();
} - This is a non-terminal expression for the subtraction operation.
public class SubtractExpression implements Expression {

    private Expression firstExpression;
    private Expression secondExpression;

    public SubtractExpression(Expression firstExpression, Expression secondExpression) {
        this.firstExpression = firstExpression;
        this.secondExpression = secondExpression;

    public int interpret() {
        return this.firstExpression.interpret() - this.secondExpression.interpret();
} - This is the client class to demonstrate the Interpreter pattern.
public class Demo {

    // Typically, there would be a parser here to convert a string expression into the
    // Expression tree. For simplicity, we'll hand-code the tree.
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Expression addExpression = new AddExpression(new NumberExpression(5), new NumberExpression(3));
        System.out.println("Result of 5 + 3: " + addExpression.interpret());

        Expression subtractExpression = new SubtractExpression(new NumberExpression(5), new NumberExpression(3));
        System.out.println("Result of 5 - 3: " + subtractExpression.interpret());
Order of creating classes: - Define the interface for our expression tree. - Define how numbers will be interpreted. and - Define non-terminal expressions for addition and subtraction. - Use the above expressions to demonstrate the pattern.


Expression is an interface with the interpret method that all terminal and non-terminal expressions will implement.

NumberExpression is a terminal expression. It simply returns its number value when interpret is called.

AddExpression and SubtractExpression are non-terminal expressions. They contain two expressions and when interpret is called, they perform their respective operations on the results of the interpret calls of their contained expressions.

Demo constructs an expression tree and then evaluates it using the interpret method. In a real-world scenario, you'd probably have a parser that converts a string representation of an expression into this tree.

run code:
Result of 5 + 3: 8
Result of 5 - 3: 2

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