Project Structure
Book.php - Represents a single book.
BookList.php - Represents a collection of books.
BookListIterator.php - An iterator for the BookList.
index.php - Demonstrates the usage of the iterator.
Step-by-Step Creation and Explanation
1. Book.php This class represents a single book. It's a simple class with a constructor and a getter method for the book's title.
title = $title; } public function getTitle() { return $this->title; } }
2. BookList.php This class represents a collection of Book objects. It stores books and provides methods to add or remove a book from the list.
books[] = $book; } public function removeBook(Book $book) { foreach ($this->books as $key => $b) { if ($b->getTitle() === $book->getTitle()) { unset($this->books[$key]); } } $this->books = array_values($this->books); } public function count() { return count($this->books); } public function getBook($index) { if (isset($this->books[$index])) { return $this->books[$index]; } return null; } }
3. BookListIterator.php This class implements the iterator for BookList. It allows traversing over the BookList collection.
bookList = $bookList; } public function hasNext() { return $this->currentBook < $this->bookList->count(); } public function next() { return $this->bookList->getBook($this->currentBook++); } }
4. index.php This file demonstrates the usage of the above classes. It creates a list of books, adds them to the BookList, and then iterates over them using BookListIterator.
addBook(new Book("1984")); $bookList->addBook(new Book("To Kill a Mockingbird")); $bookList->addBook(new Book("The Great Gatsby")); // Iterate over book list $iterator = new BookListIterator($bookList); while ($iterator->hasNext()) { $book = $iterator->next(); echo $book->getTitle() . "\n"; }Running the Code When you run index.php, you should see the titles of the books printed one after the other:
1984 To Kill a Mockingbird The Great GatsbyThis output demonstrates the Iterator pattern in action, allowing you to sequentially access elements of the BookList without exposing its internal structure.
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