Wednesday, June 02, 2021

Memento pattern php

The Memento interface provides a way to retrieve the memento's metadata, suchas creation date or name. However, it doesn't expose the Originator's state.
interface Memento
    public function getName(): string;

    public function getDate(): string;
The Originator holds some important state that may change over time. It also defines a method for saving the state inside a memento and another method for restoring the state from it. For the sake of simplicity, the originator's state is stored inside a single variable. The Originator's business logic may affect its internal state. Therefore, the client should backup the state before launching methods of the business logic via the save() method. The **save() method Saves the current state inside a memento. The restore(Memento $memento) Restores the Originator's state from a memento object.
class Originator
    private $state;
    public function __construct(string $state)
        $this->state = $state;
        echo "Originator: My initial state is: {$this->state}<br/>";
    public function doSomething(): void
        echo "Originator: I'm doing something important.<br/>";
        $this->state = $this->generateRandomString(30);
        echo "Originator: and my state has changed to: {$this->state}<br/>";

    private function generateRandomString(int $length = 10): string
        return substr(
                    $x = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ',
                    ceil($length / strlen($x))

    public function save(): Memento
        return new ConcreteMemento($this->state);
    public function restore(Memento $memento): void
        $this->state = $memento->getState();
        echo "Originator: My state has changed to: {$this->state}<br/>";
The Concrete Memento contains the infrastructure for storing the Originator's state.
The Originator uses this method when restoring its state.
class ConcreteMemento implements Memento
    private $state;

    private $date;

    public function __construct(string $state)
        $this->state = $state;
        $this->date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    public function getState(): string
        return $this->state;

     * The rest of the methods are used by the Caretaker to display metadata.
    public function getName(): string
        return $this->date . " / (" . substr($this->state, 0, 9) . "...)";

    public function getDate(): string
        return $this->date;
The Caretaker doesn't depend on the Concrete Memento class. Therefore, it doesn't have access to the originator's state, stored inside the memento. It works with all mementos via the base Memento interface.
class Caretaker
    private $mementos = [];
    private $originator;
    public function __construct(Originator $originator)
        $this->originator = $originator;
    public function backup(): void
        echo "\nCaretaker: Saving Originator's state...<br/>";
        $this->mementos[] = $this->originator->save();
    public function undo(): void
        if (!count($this->mementos)) {
        $memento = array_pop($this->mementos);
        echo "Caretaker: Restoring state to: " . $memento->getName() . "<br/>";
        try {
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
    public function showHistory(): void
        echo "Caretaker: Here's the list of mementos:<br/>";
        foreach ($this->mementos as $memento) {
            echo $memento->getName() . "<br/>";
Let's go to the index.php files and to the the to we add our includes/
include_once ('Originator.php');
include_once ('Memento.php');
include_once ('ConcreteMemento.php');
include_once ('Caretaker.php');
Client code.
$originator = new Originator("Super-duper-super-puper-super.");
$caretaker = new Caretaker($originator);




echo "\n";

echo "\nClient: Now, let's rollback!<br/><br/>";

echo "\nClient: Once more!<br/><br/>";
Now let's view this thru a browser. We should have:
Client triggers operation A.
Component A does A.
Mediator reacts on A and triggers following operations:
Component A does C.

Client triggers operation B.
Component B does D.
Mediator reacts on D and triggers following operations:
Component B does B.
Component A does C.
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