public class Engine { private final double volume; private double mileage; private boolean started; public Engine(double volume, double mileage) { this.volume = volume; this.mileage = mileage; } public void on() { started = true; } public void off() { started = false; } public boolean isStarted() { return started; } public void go(double mileage) { if (started) { this.mileage += mileage; } else { System.err.println("Cannot go(), you must start engine first!"); } } public double getVolume() { return volume; } public double getMileage() { return mileage; } }Next we create an say what type of transmission the car has.
public enum Transmission { SINGLE_SPEED, MANUAL, AUTOMATIC, SEMI_AUTOMATIC }Let's also look at TripComputer. The code for it will be:
public class TripComputer { private Car car; public void setCar(Car car) { = car; } public void showFuelLevel() { System.out.println("Fuel level: " + car.getFuel()); } public void showStatus() { if ( { System.out.println("Car is started"); } else { System.out.println("Car isn't started"); } } }Let's also add a GPSNavigator for good measure. the code for the GPSNavigator is:
public class GPSNavigator { private String route; public GPSNavigator() { this.route = "1234 Main Street Anywhere, USA 10011"; } public GPSNavigator(String manualRoute) { this.route = manualRoute; } public String getRoute() { return route; } }Let's create a package called cars. In cars we have as enum for Type.
public enum Type { CITY_CAR, SPORTS_CAR, SUV }Now that we have the components to create the cars. We have two types of cars Manual or regular Car. We start with the class Car.
public class Car { private final Type type; private final int seats; private final Engine engine; private final Transmission transmission; private final TripComputer tripComputer; private final GPSNavigator gpsNavigator; private double fuel = 0; public Car(Type type, int seats, Engine engine, Transmission transmission, TripComputer tripComputer, GPSNavigator gpsNavigator) { this.type = type; this.seats = seats; this.engine = engine; this.transmission = transmission; this.tripComputer = tripComputer; this.tripComputer.setCar(this); this.gpsNavigator = gpsNavigator; } public Type getType() { return type; } public double getFuel() { return fuel; } public void setFuel(double fuel) { this.fuel = fuel; } public int getSeats() { return seats; } public Engine getEngine() { return engine; } public Transmission getTransmission() { return transmission; } public TripComputer getTripComputer() { return tripComputer; } public GPSNavigator getGpsNavigator() { return gpsNavigator; } }And a Manual type of car. The code for Manual is:
public class Manual { private final Type type; private final int seats; private final Engine engine; private final Transmission transmission; private final TripComputer tripComputer; private final GPSNavigator gpsNavigator; public Manual(Type type, int seats, Engine engine, Transmission transmission, TripComputer tripComputer, GPSNavigator gpsNavigator) { this.type = type; this.seats = seats; this.engine = engine; this.transmission = transmission; this.tripComputer = tripComputer; this.gpsNavigator = gpsNavigator; } public String print() { String info = ""; info += "Type of car: " + type + "\n"; info += "Count of seats: " + seats + "\n"; info += "Engine: volume - " + engine.getVolume() + "; mileage - " + engine.getMileage() + "\n"; info += "Transmission: " + transmission + "\n"; if (this.tripComputer != null) { info += "Trip Computer: Functional" + "\n"; } else { info += "Trip Computer: N/A" + "\n"; } if (this.gpsNavigator != null) { info += "GPS Navigator: Functional" + "\n"; } else { info += "GPS Navigator: N/A" + "\n"; } return info; } }Now let's create some builders to build our cars. Let's add the package builders and let's also add an interface we called Builder. We place this interface the a *package* we also create called builders. The Builder interface defines all possible ways to configure a product. Here is the code:
public interface Builder { void setType(Type type); void setSeats(int seats); void setEngine(Engine engine); void setTransmission(Transmission transmission); void setTripComputer(TripComputer tripComputer); void setGPSNavigator(GPSNavigator gpsNavigator); }Now let's create some car builder CarBuilder and CarManualBuilder. Concrete builders implement steps defined in the common interface. For CarBuilder we have:
public class CarBuilder implements Builder { private Type type; private int seats; private Engine engine; private Transmission transmission; private TripComputer tripComputer; private GPSNavigator gpsNavigator; @Override public void setType(Type type) { this.type = type; } @Override public void setSeats(int seats) { this.seats = seats; } @Override public void setEngine(Engine engine) { this.engine = engine; } @Override public void setTransmission(Transmission transmission) { this.transmission = transmission; } @Override public void setTripComputer(TripComputer tripComputer) { this.tripComputer = tripComputer; } @Override public void setGPSNavigator(GPSNavigator gpsNavigator) { this.gpsNavigator = gpsNavigator; } public Car getResult() { return new Car(type, seats, engine, transmission, tripComputer, gpsNavigator); } }Unlike other creational patterns, Builder can construct unrelated products, which don't have the common interface. In this case we build a user manual for a car, using the same steps as we built a car. This allows to produce manuals for specific car models, configured with different features.
public class CarManualBuilder implements Builder{ private Type type; private int seats; private Engine engine; private Transmission transmission; private TripComputer tripComputer; private GPSNavigator gpsNavigator; @Override public void setType(Type type) { this.type = type; } @Override public void setSeats(int seats) { this.seats = seats; } @Override public void setEngine(Engine engine) { this.engine = engine; } @Override public void setTransmission(Transmission transmission) { this.transmission = transmission; } @Override public void setTripComputer(TripComputer tripComputer) { this.tripComputer = tripComputer; } @Override public void setGPSNavigator(GPSNavigator gpsNavigator) { this.gpsNavigator = gpsNavigator; } public Manual getResult() { return new Manual(type, seats, engine, transmission, tripComputer, gpsNavigator); } }We now create a Director and put it in the director package. Director defines the order of building steps. It works with a builder object through common Builder interface. Therefore it may not know what product is being built.
public class Director { public void constructSportsCar(Builder builder) { builder.setType(Type.SPORTS_CAR); builder.setSeats(2); builder.setEngine(new Engine(3.0, 0)); builder.setTransmission(Transmission.SEMI_AUTOMATIC); builder.setTripComputer(new TripComputer()); builder.setGPSNavigator(new GPSNavigator()); } public void constructCityCar(Builder builder) { builder.setType(Type.CITY_CAR); builder.setSeats(2); builder.setEngine(new Engine(1.2, 0)); builder.setTransmission(Transmission.AUTOMATIC); builder.setTripComputer(new TripComputer()); builder.setGPSNavigator(new GPSNavigator()); } public void constructSUV(Builder builder) { builder.setType(Type.SUV); builder.setSeats(4); builder.setEngine(new Engine(2.5, 0)); builder.setTransmission(Transmission.MANUAL); builder.setGPSNavigator(new GPSNavigator()); } }Let's put this altogether in the main. We create a public called Demo and in this class we place our main method.
public class Demo { public static void main(String[] args) { Director director = new Director(); // Director gets the concrete builder object from the client // (application code). That's because application knows better which // builder to use to get a specific product. CarBuilder builder = new CarBuilder(); director.constructSportsCar(builder); // The final product is often retrieved from a builder object, since // Director is not aware and not dependent on concrete builders and // products. Car car = builder.getResult(); System.out.println("Car built:\n" + car.getType()); CarManualBuilder manualBuilder = new CarManualBuilder(); // Director may know several building recipes. director.constructSportsCar(manualBuilder); Manual carManual = manualBuilder.getResult(); System.out.println("\nCar manual built:\n" + carManual.print()); } }
Now we are ready to run this program and we get
Car built: SPORTS_CAR Car manual built: Type of car: SPORTS_CAR Count of seats: 2 Engine: volume - 3.0; mileage - 0.0 Transmission: SEMI_AUTOMATIC Trip Computer: Functional GPS Navigator: FunctionalThe Ray code is AWESOME!!!
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The Ray Code
Ray Andrade