Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Abstract Factory Design Pattern using c++

In this article we will review the Abstract Factory pattern. This pattern allows you to create a family of classes in which the subclasses of this family can cooperate together. Let's start by creating a couple of products we call ProductA and ProductB. We start with ProductA and it's subclasses. For ProductA we have the following code:
class ProductA {
    virtual ~ProductA(){};
    virtual std::string UsefulFunctionA() const = 0;
Next we want to create a couple subclasses that we call ProductA1 and ProductA2. The first thing we need to do is include ProductA.h and the extend ProductA1 with ProductA. Let's look at the code in ProductA1.h.
#include "ProductA.h"

class ProductA1 : public ProductA {
    std::string UsefulFunctionA() const override {
        return "The result of the product A1.";
We now want to create two classes I will call ProductA2 and ProductA2. Both classes will be extend with ProductA and thus we will need to include ProductA on both. The code for ProductA1 will be:
#include "ProductA.h"

class ProductA1 : public ProductA {
    std::string UsefulFunctionA() const override {
        return "The result of the product A1.";
and for ProductA2 we have:
#include "ProductA.h"

class ProductA2 : public ProductA {
    std::string UsefulFunctionA() const override {
        return "The result of the product A2.";
We now move to the B side. So let's create ProductB. To ProductB we have the following code:
class ProductB {

    virtual ~ProductB(){};
    virtual std::string UsefulFunctionB() const = 0;

    virtual std::string AnotherUsefulFunctionB(const ProductA &collaborator) const = 0;
Let's now create two classes that will be extended by this class. We first have ProductB1 and then we have ProductB2. Both will be extended with ProductB We start with ProductB1:
#include "ProductB.h"

class ProductB1 : public ProductB {
    std::string UsefulFunctionB() const override {
        return "The result of the product B1.";
    std::string AnotherUsefulFunctionB(const ProductA &collaborator) const override {
        const std::string result = collaborator.UsefulFunctionA();
        return "The result of the B1 collaborating with ( " + result + " )";
and then we move to ProductB2. Its code will be:
#include "ProductB.h"

class ProductB2 : public ProductB {
    std::string UsefulFunctionB() const override {
        return "The result of the product B2.";

    std::string AnotherUsefulFunctionB(const ProductA &collaborator) const override {
        const std::string result = collaborator.UsefulFunctionA();
        return "The result of the B2 collaborating with ( " + result + " )";
now let's create the AbstractFactory which will house our two classes ProductA and ProductB It will have the following code:
class AbstractFactory {
    virtual ProductA *CreateProductA() const = 0;
    virtual ProductB *CreateProductB() const = 0;
Now let's create out Factories. We start with Factory1. We notice it is extended by the AbstractFactory. We have the following code:
#include "AbstractFactory.h"

class Factory1 : public AbstractFactory {
    ProductA *CreateProductA() const override {
        return new ProductA1();
    ProductB *CreateProductB() const override {
        return new ProductB1();
We now proceed to Factory2. It too is extend by AbstractFactory thus we have the following code:
#include "AbstractFactory.h"

class Factory2 : public AbstractFactory {
    ProductA *CreateProductA() const override {
        return new ProductA2();
    ProductB *CreateProductB() const override {
        return new ProductB2();
Our last step is to go to the main.cpp. First we add the includes that we need.
#include iostream >

#include "ProductA1.h"
#include "ProductA2.h"

#include "ProductB1.h"
#include "ProductB2.h"

#include "Factory1.h"
#include "Factory2.h"
we next add some client code:
void ClientCode(const AbstractFactory &factory) {
    const ProductA *product_a = factory.CreateProductA();
    const ProductB *product_b = factory.CreateProductB();
    std::cout << product_b->UsefulFunctionB() << "\n";
    std::cout << product_b->AnotherUsefulFunctionB(*product_a) << "\n";
    delete product_a;
    delete product_b;
our last step is to go to the main fundtion. This is the code that we need:
int main() {
    std::cout << "Client: Testing client code with the first factory type:\n";
    Factory1 *f1 = new Factory1();
    delete f1;
    std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Client: Testing the same client code with the second factory type:\n";
    Factory2 *f2 = new Factory2();
    delete f2;
    return 0;
We should be ready to compile this project and when we run it ou result should be: Client: Testing client code with the first factory type: The result of the product B1. The result of the B1 collaborating with ( The result of the product A1. ) Client: Testing the same client code with the second factory type: The result of the product B2. The result of the B2 collaborating with ( The result of the product A2. ) In this article we will review the Abstract Factory pattern using Php. This pattern allows you to create a family of classes in which the subclasses of this family can cooperate together. We start our demonstration by creating an interface we called AbstractFactory. The AbstractFactory interface declares a set of methods that return different abstract products. These products are called a family and are related by a high-level theme or concept. Products of one family are usually able to collaborate among themselves. A family of products may have several variants, but the products of one variant may be incompatible with the other products. Here is the code for this interface:

Be good and happy programming
Find Ray on:
The Ray Code
Ray Andrade

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