Sunday, February 21, 2021

The Chain of Responsibility 

Let's create a PHP example:

The first thing I want to do is to create is the interface Handler. We add the two method definitions:

public function setNext(Handler $handler): Handler;
public function handle(string $request): ?string;
The method stub setNext Next we create a class called AbstractHandler it implements Handler and missing methods setNext and handle
we add code to setNext and to this interpase
$this->nextHandler = $handler;
return $handler;
if ($this->nextHandler) {
    return $this->nextHandler->handle($request);

return null;
we next add the class SquirrelHandler which extends AbstractHandler to it we add:
public function handle(string $request): ?string
    if ($request === "Nut") {
        return "Squirrel: I'll eat the " . $request . ".
"; } else { return parent::handle($request); } }
let's add another anamale DogHandler
public function handle(string $request): ?string
   if ($request === "MeatBall") {
       return "Dog: I'll eat the " . $request . ".\n";
   } else {
       return parent::handle($request);
lastly we add the class MouseHandler and have it extends AbstractHandler and we add the code:
public function handle(string $request): ?string
   if ($request === "Cheese") {
       return "Mouse: I'll eat the " . $request . ".
"; } else { return parent::handle($request); } }
for our demo we go to the index.php file and add sime includes:
include_once ('Handler.php');
include_once ('AbstractHandler.php');
and we also need to add the folloing includes:
include_once ('SquirrelHandler.php');
include_once ('DogHandler.php');
now to the file we add the client function:
function clientCode(Handler $handler)
    foreach (["Nut", "Cheese", "Cup of coffee"] as $food) {
        echo "Client: Who wants the " . $food . "?
"; $result = $handler->handle($food); if ($result) { echo " " . $result; } else { echo " " . $food . " was left untouched."; } } }
next we define the following local varables:
$mouse = new MouseHandler;
$squirrel = new SquirrelHandler;
$dog = new DogHandler;
next we consider the following code to demo the chain of responsibity

echo "Chain: Mouse > Squirrel > Dog

"; clientCode($mouse); echo "\n"; echo "Subchain: Squirrel > Dog

"; clientCode($squirrel);
thanks for being a part of The Ray Code. Be good...

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